Monday, October 3, 2016

The rainbow in the heart!

She looked around. Her heart was aching, her mind blank. The dark clouds had begun collecting quickly over her head. A sudden gust of fine dust, sand and pieces of dried leaves blew on her face. Her frantic hands couldn't help shield her from the force of the wind.
With a vision that was blurring, feet that were trying to walk steady and a soul that was clueless she tried to rescue herself. The downpour of the weeping sky had drenched her completely by now. She was now seeking shelter under a high tree.
A shrill helpless call of a small a puppy caught her attention. Probably lost its path, probably left behind by the food-searching mother, probably a deliberate abandon. Whatever the case, it definitely needed help.
Shaila bent over. With careful approach, she drew nearer to it. With very little that she could do, she sat beside the pup at a distance and watched it for sometime. The dampness of the dried leaves had covered it's body on which it rolled and crawled. Intermittently it kicked it's meek legs and licked it's black mouth. With constant moves to draw attention, it rubbed its ears with its paws and buried it's face within his limbs and stomach.
The tiny creature soon grew calmer and silent. It looked hopefully at her, at her presence around. The rains had progressively slowed down and the sky was clearing for the soft sun. Shaila stood up and so did her lone company around.
The puppy shook itself vigorously drying it's fur off the last drop of water and cheerfully hoped a few steps ahead. It looked back and waited with a glitter in its happy eyes.
Shaila knew she had to leave. She knew it was late. She knew she could afford no more time to look into her bruised heart. Her mind quickly calculated the next few errands for the day. Looking up she saw a nice colourful bow in the sky. The damp sunny air lightened her heart. A quick smile spread across her face and flushed every pore of her existence.
As she walked away beaming with hope, the little steps cheerfully followed her wagging it's tail.