Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is it a joke??

     Have you ever felt like there is nothing more amusing than to play a good joke on someone,to force them to
 laugh  at their 
 own foolishness and if they get angry to punish them by playing a new joke on them..
    well coming to to "joke" the most commonly used expression for statements we find 
amusing and laughable.In our daily life we do love to find time for some inoffensive and laughable stuff to refreshen and lighten our
mood..So infact jokes are like the  lighter part of our lives.But let us give it another shot of our thought.
     Joking may seem like just another sport for passtime,but it is another aspect of our
 intelligent minds 
 that finds it way through our mouths..An articulate joke is not just another amusing stuff..
It is a careful 
innovation of the brain a statement worth appraisal and applause.
     A good sense  of humour is something always sought in a companion..and thus a humorous person easily becomes the life of any
 party..Its the tingling effect 
   of words and actions that can leave on literally..rolling on the floor...
  It has been rightly said that a person who can spread a smile can win millions of hearts..but
i would rather who can..make others laugh can make it to billions.!.It may seem
the most easy task at much so..there can be nothing more satisfactory to brighten up somebody's mood..and that matters after all..!!
     so...common spread that others to rock and roll..
 and beware....these words of mine are no joke..!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Glassy eyed..!!

well coming to this rather silly..and wierd topic.. to discuss...' Spectacles ' !
.my thoughts may sound very stupid....but still i ll take it very personally...writing about this..
..'spectacles' of the most..important inventions..that help us for better vision...
does it's identity remain just this..till date??..well i seriously doubt that..
days ago...and till date..we would still associate..those round and heavy set glasses to old age and poor vision..
but i insist..the trend is changing...
spectacles are closely becoming alligned to the personality of the wearer....
starting from...Mahatma Gandhi..whose...round windsor style glasses became his very singers and stars...glasses have always..been a close reference to the personality..of the user...
we still cant imagine Micheal Jackson...without his enigmatic glares....neither superman..Clark Kent..who hides behing his thick black glasses...
never the less...J.K.Rowling wouldnt have been quite a hit in the children's world..without her Harry Porter..and his roung glasses...
days behind we had those heavy set.thick framed...glasses..with..thick glasses..which further paved way. to sleeker frames..and thinner lens...
but with..dear Priety in 'kal ho naa ho'.. and Sania Mirza..becoming..the style icon...the retro..trend is back..
markets remain..flooded with the latest models.. and teens..rushing in to match their..favorite stars..this is ...spectacles after all....!!!
starting from a visionary the mark of latest fashion...we got to acknowledge..that...spectacles have indeed taken big strides...
well readers out there...i hope you got it i can be...when it comes to my glasses and my
well.. what say now..about glassy eyes??

Sunday, May 20, 2007

me..deep inside....

...the sky is crimson red....
the sun..sets at one end.....and here....a new feeling dawns..on me...
i dont know what..just something...some inner voice that tries to resurface itself...
i dont know..what...!
am i sad....??
but what is it that i have to be sad for..?
what is that im not able to comprehend??
..i sit patiently....trying to recollect and decifer my own feelings...
the voice inside me grows louder....
its the very first time..i find thoughtful..
am i losing myself..huh...
neah..its just nothing..nothing to be worried about at all....
but anxiuos.....
why is it..i feel so lonely today??
why is it....i enjoy my never before...
why is..unlike other days...i dont wanna..turn on..that hiphop to myself...or rather... start yearning for a happening crowd around me...??
and then..i felt inner me..for the first time....
no lies..this little..little girl..!
still building her dreams...still....looking upto the sky...still with the hope..that it is not beyond her reach...
this inner me....calm..quite..and my outer personality...
well....this is inside..deep..within....!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

i wanna live...

I have a right to dream,

to be a part of this world..

a right to fly higher,

and fulfill my one desire..

a right to walk the life,

to see the world in colours..

a right to spread my wings,

to feel the rustle of the air..

a right to express my views,

to think beyond the obvious..

a right to be looked upon,

with respect and dignity..

I have a right to live,

i m.. but... a woman