Friday, March 19, 2010

The Song Of Breaking

The slightest shiver and it was free,

from the abundance of its beauty and charm.

With a crying soul, it sped lower and lower,

and broke the tall glass with a pitched crash.

Shattered the pieces each to a different destination,

together they shined and glistened on the rough floor.

With blindening sheen as a last sign of self-defiance,

partly in dust yet the courage to hurt any mocking soul.

The breaking lent a soulful song, a faint quiver,

across any kind mind who spared a moment.

A song of pain, a note of longingness

to be itself again, demanding a right to living.

Yet the fragile thing had had its living,

gathered will it be in a few fleeting seconds

To be thrown into the lot of discarded,

from dust it had come and to dust it will return.


Surya Pratap Mishra said...

Well this piece can be read and understood in two different contexts altogether. Though similar in their fundamental origin, they pose different questions to different readers.

Whether, literally its the small fragmented pieces of glass or a little fragmented part of one's life, each part could be on its own and complete yet longing to return to its parent lot. Though small it might be, definitely not to be messed with, is the message !

This has been beautifully depicted through a very apt choice of words.

अभिनव said...

the beauty of the poem lies in d fact that a person can see what he/she wants to see in it...
lines like together they shined and glistened on the rough floor... praises individual brilliance and at the same time shows its incompleteness
and then the last lines reminds of "dust thou art to dust returnest...": The Psalm of Life by H.W. Longfellow

I always believe, to pull-off a free-verse poem is very difficult task. This piece having done so, is even more commendable

Unknown said...

She has been always a great writer..And everytime I read something I think that it's the best but then she proves me wrong with yet another beautiful writing...

A beautiful depiction with the perfect words is all that I can say as of now..