Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am a practical person, for all those who know me pretty well all these years. My practical, straightforward, argumentative and scientific bent of mind has been with me ever since I have begun building my own set of ideas, notions and principles.
I never live in fantasies, yet wonder if fantasies were not actually fantasies. Fairy-tales are my favorite pastime to enjoy and forget and yet I question myself what if such worlds actually did exist ( just like in the movie Horton). Similarly I am not a particularly romantic person, yet there still are questions unanswered. What is love? Who is a soul mate? Why it is one seeks for only one soul mate for life? Why is it, still others manage to fall in love multiple times in their lives? Such questions don’t disturb me, but I have never found any convincing answers to the same. However, I came across a certain book, and wish to state a particular theory that struck a cord in my heart. Thus would go into a bit deeper discussion on the same.
As this book stated “we form a part of what the alchemists called the Anima mundi - The Soul of the World”. This seemed to answer a lot of unanswered questions. If we believe in rebirth and reincarnation, how come the world having started with only a few souls, reached this vast, uncountable number?
The theory explains, "Every soul in its rebirth divides into two parts, the male and the female, each entering into a new body ignorant of the other. The essence that drives one part of the soul to seek for the other during one’s life span and find the one out among uncountable new and unknown faces only to recognize oneself in the other is Love."
So, as it goes, when one sets out in search of love, one seeks the soul mate. The other self, which one alone can recognize, associate with and alone can converse in unspoken words as when one speaks to one’s own mind and soul.
So, to give a yet lame definition of the phenomenon (great thinkers have tried describing all their lives), Love is an essence, the force that brings souls together who learn to freeze time to enjoy every bit of the indescribable happiness. And a soul mate in none other than the other one which completes one-self, one’s alter-ego.
There are people who have experienced love for a mtter of moments, but those moments brought wih them, happiness so intense that it was enough to justify the rest of their days.
So no matter how expensive it has been, how many hearts lay broken, how may souls sleep depressed, love touches all. One who ignores it tends to drown oneself in bitter loneliness. The feeling it arouses, the mistakes one makes and the sacrifices one deals with, everything forms a part of it, everything that completes the same.
Love lies not in staring at each other in the sparkle of the eyes, but looking together in the same direction, not in speaking to each other at a day’s length, but being able to converse without having to speak, not in demanding things to be done in one’s own fashion but respecting the differences that exist.
Thus, Love is nothing but all about knowing oneself. Because love conquers all. :)


Unknown said...

True for everyone at some poiint of time, but very unlikely write up from a person like you...Good our chua is growing up..Keep on writing..All the best :)

अभिनव said...

As mentioned in d comment above, a very unlikely topic to be touched by u... but to ur credit, d post doesnt seem 2 b written by a novice of d field ;)... hopefully d all conquering force u mentioned about will take you over as well.. someday :P

Surya Pratap Mishra said...

I dont know how it works, whether a part of our soul finds the missing part or it is crafted by the hands of GOD. But, what I know is when you look into her/his eyes and see your little world weaved in dreams and hopes, you MUST believe and trust that she/he is your soulmate :)

The article as always has been written very thoughtfully :) Good work !

Devashish Rao said...

Such deep thoughts yaar ! Nice one !

I never thought of life from this angle. Thank U for enlightening us, especially me.



Blog: - Devashish's Blog

Suman said...

Man..talking of love-suv...kewl!! nicely penned...true to the core...:)