Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Of the sea and the swimmer

My toes seemed to feel the slippery floor below... The door lay ahead...I tiptoed upto it fully aware of the fall that might result in an abrupt crash..
Heart pounding..??. Sheer understatement! My fingers felt numb..I looked around,I could see people.. Ones who would probably save me from dying if the event was ghastly...but it was me at stake..my curiosity.. My innermost fears....desires.. May be life..
Why me...who had to turn the knob? Because its my battle..I looked back..easy exit..but the door...the only door that held all the answers.
. If I made it through, it wouldn't be easy either..a maze of twists and turns...patience and perseverence..it would demand it all..yet when the going gets tough...its really gets worthier I guess!!
I turned it..the door opened..A gush of sand blindens my eye...caught in a whirlpool.. But swimming in the sea..it topples and rattles..its smooth at times and tosses around at others...its bright sunshine now... N dimming dusk next..
The night..? I wouldn't recognize the darkness either.
I plunge harder at times, even wade..and dabble while choose to simply float in between.. Mount a whale for speed at once...while hang on to a raft the next..
Yet...I swim on and on...tired limbs have only grown stronger... Sleepless moments have made rest appear sweeter..
 I know not if there would be the dawn at all..but all I do..is enjoy the pain..I swim on..and on..and on..

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