Monday, March 9, 2015

To the men of the world!

A day before both the newspapers as well as the markets seemed flooded with quotes and offers dedicated to women. As the history of women's day continues, I asked myself a simple question. Is this all necessary? Nevertheless I was happy to hear of many toll booths offering toll charge exemption for women that day and the like, Yet at least all such celebrations seemed farcical when I realise with every passing day that in the human clan, women are considered a different breed altogether!

To many a men(and women alike), who think that women are uselessly obsessed with little things, I would fondly point out that.. Dude u can't deny that these are the little uncanny habits which save you many a times in need. That's not always rhetoric!!! Gandhiji probably would never have won the freedom for the country had he not realized how valued some feminine habits are --''khana nahin khana hai...baat nahin karna hai...haath nahin uthana hai'' n so on.

Still others suggest, women just rejoice in discussing the unnecessary..making themselves a mockery for the world... Big deal men! It's the other faction which seems to have a fetish for everything which apparently may not be as relevant to anyone of us! Sachin is a god or not!! Shall we go ahead and ask Steffen Hawkins to answer that?! Who ever wants to poke their nose into the intra-cricketing rivalry either! In fact let me point out a small fact, gossips and chit-chats often teach us implicitly what is expected of us explicitly in a given social setting. Sounds rational enough? So, I would unhesitatingly admit..I do enjoy a little gossip now and then and am sure, many or may be all men enjoy them better. Just that its so unmanly to admit it.
Okhey!! More to come..female is the class who are often 'pessimistic' about many things harping on useless unseen dangers and complexifying simple lives. Funny assumption, but that's called not having a foresight by the way. It should be rather taken as a complementing character. While optimistism paves the way forward, a little blues helps one always be at guard. Remember the tiger who kept the boy alive in Life of pie because he couldn't just trust the former and was thus always on his toes. You should just be thankful that women fill the voids in any given relationship.

Why do women shout and nag all the time? Do you also feel the women have this obnoxious habit of cribbing on small things day and day out? It simply means they are not empowered enough. For 'only the helpless shout while the powerful rather prefer recalcitrance.' How do you react when you have to repeat a request n number of times? With the cable operator or service centres when they dont help you in time? You too resort to a scream or shout or running to the consumer forum. Sad there is no such forum for a domestic set up and if there was woman would blow out a case out of proportion I guesss, a dash of make up, an excited attire, as streak of delicacy and the unmistakable attitude.. does describe the woman.. though not fully!

It could be a lot easier to understand that they exist just like men do, with just as independent features, characters and thought processes.. Capable of looking at the world with their own set of eyes, not necessarily what you desire them to be like or feel like.

They are not practical? OK isn't it like many umpteen number of times their so called philosophies have proved invaluable and practically handy.

So, men of the world why dont you for a minute un-man a woman and feel how nice it is to be thus. And never the least dear women I pity you for you always have to deal with the world where every human individualis still referred to as a 'man'!!

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