Saturday, December 12, 2015

Road always taken!!

The winter breeze chilling the cheeks,
Shoes...the new budding skin to thee..
As the walk past the lonely stretch,
Seems longer than it always had been.

I look sideways.. Buildings and flats,
The view ahead looks tedious..arduous..
The bushes by the side dull and dumb,
And trees beyond a clueless wood.

I strive to hasten my reluctant steps,
Feel the pulse beneath my watch..
Time doesn't seem to matter much,
Yet my mind wishes a quick return.

Hands in pocket, lungs gasping for air,
Books feel heavier on my shoulders.
Louder songs not calms my mind..
Hurried steps lands me back on my bed

Path-o- long..i would be back in days..
To enjoy you than scurrying away
On this long stretch my soul would bask
Warmly even on a cold winter evening!

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